Home Health Diet, failure is also necessary to lose weight. I study

Diet, failure is also necessary to lose weight. I study

Diet, failure is also necessary to lose weight.  I study

This was stated by a study of 9,348 patients from the Wharton Medical Clinic, a weight loss clinic in Burlington, Ontario. All the details of the investigation

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How to avoid the yo-yo effect on a diet? According to a study published in the journal Obesity, not giving up on trying is the key to success. Do not believe it? Ask the 9,348 patients involved.

The yo-yo effect

Losing and gaining weight once the diet ends is a problem that often occurs in people who decide to change their diet. This is called the ‘yo-yo effect’ and is often accompanied not only by a sense of failure, but also by disappointment at the missed goal. However, a study published in the journal Obesity encourages those who go down this road and offers the key to success: Don’t stop trying. Regression from the expected result would in fact be a ‘necessary step’ to obtain an improvement in general health and a stable weight loss. How? Here is the study in detail.

I study

With 9,348 patients at Wharton Medical Clinic, a weight loss clinic in Burlington, Ontario, the researchers collected each participant’s different stories through a questionnaire. To get a clearer picture of their situation, each patient’s weight changes over the study period were assessed. According to the findings, most patients reported losing more than 4 pounds at least once in their lives, as well as gaining too much weight before age 40. Achieving long-term success, the study emphasizes, requires not only different approaches, but also different attempts: weight recovery, relapses or moments of stalemate should therefore be experienced as a key to achieving the ultimate goal. “Our findings suggest that repeated bouts of weight loss and recovery should not be viewed as failures, but as a practice that serves to gain experience,” said Jennifer Kuk, a professor in York University’s School of Kinesiology and Health Science, lead author. Sean Wharton, co-author and director of York University’s Wharton Medical Clinic, said, “It is likely that an appropriate approach, with proven interventions such as drugs or psychological interventions, will ultimately be effective.”

Source: TG 24 Sky


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