Home Politics Maria Serena Cappello, wife of Mario Draghi

Maria Serena Cappello, wife of Mario Draghi

Maria Serena Cappello, wife of Mario Draghi

Maria Serena Cappello«Serenella» for friends, wife of Mario Draghi
was born on July 28, 1947 in Padua and of noble birth: she is descended from Bianca Cappello, wife of the Grand Duke of Tuscany Francesco de’ Medici.

Graduated in English Literature from the University of Vicenza, she met the Prime Minister when they were both 19, on the Brenta Riviera, in the summer of 1966, through mutual friends. The opportunity: a holiday in Stra, on the Brenta Riviera Since then, they have never parted ways.

Married since 1973, they had two children Federica and Giacomo Draghi The first lives in Milan, where she is investment director of geneextra, company in the biotechnology sector. She graduated from Sapienza in Rome and received a master’s degree from Columbia Business School. The second worked for a long time at the American investment bank Morgan Stanley and switched to the fund in 2017 hedge Lmr Partners based in London.

Mario and «Serenella» Draghi they have two granddaughtersdaughters of Federica, whom they are very fond of.

The basis of the Draghi family is always a Rome. Ms. Serena has a strong Catholic faith, so much so that in Parioli it is easy to meet the couple during Sunday mass at the church of San Bellarmino.

Source: Corriere


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