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Facebook like Amazon,

Facebook like Amazon,

Facebook always wants to make reviews of products and services on social media more credible and based on real shopping or user experiences. For this reason, the company has updated its Community Feedback Policy in the US to limit the phenomenon of false payment comments or those made solely for the purpose of receiving a refund for the purchase made. A plague that Amazon is also fighting.

The new rules

There will essentially be five areas of intervention by Meta. First, the manipulation mechanism that refers to will be combated producing fake comments for the purpose of scamming
untilbut at the same time, there will also be pressure on those who incentivize to leave positive reviews in exchange for money, gifts or refunds. Another fixed point that the company makes is the relevance of the comments left. In other words, users should base their judgment on: actual use of the product or service All content, even graphical, that is considered violent, discriminatory or even threatening will be blocked. Finally, there is a crackdown on spam and those who comment or share with excessive and suspicious frequency.

the sanctions

Users who do not respect these rules may face sanctions of varying degrees: from the removal of the content to the blocking some functions on the social network, possibly until the end of the products and services offered by Meta. The countermeasures will be more severe the more frequent and repeated incorrect behavior by users.

But it doesn’t stop there

As explained by the social network in a post, it will take some time for all the elements that contribute to the control of the comments to reach the same standard. Meta even emphasized that the feedback will be examined by both automated mechanisms and based on machine learning performed by human reviewers before publishing. Another element that the company would like to emphasize is the substantial: neutrality with regard to the content itself The positive and negative will be judged equally, the latter will not undergo a more thorough rating than the former, and there will be no change in the control phase. The social network then invites users to always report suspicious reviews.

Source: Corriere


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